Geology for Global Development


Friday Photo (56): Photos from Industry – Copper Deposits in Fault Zones

The deposits on the surface of this sandstone are a distinctive shade of green – indicative of copper. Copper is mobilised and concentrated along fault zones. If you have any photos from time spent working in industry, that do not breach company copyright regulations, then please get in touch and we will publish them on our blog! (c) Geology for Global Development 2012

Friday Photo (55): Photos from Industry – Man Operating Machinery at a Mine in China

Man Operating Machinery at a Mine in Anhui Province, China There are many large mining operations covering Anhui Province, China. They tend to have limited safety regulations. The mines can ruin the landscape, cause pollution and can be dangerous places for people to work. However, this primary industry is fuelling China’s rapid growth and development. Our Friday Photo series will be focused ...[Read More]

Friday Photo (54) – Debris Flow Channel, Gansu Province, China

Southern Gansu Province, China: Poorly Maintained Debris Flow Channel This channel is designed to transport debris flow material away from the road, thus preventing a major road blockage. The poor design and maintenance of the channel, however, is resulting in material coming down the channel and then being pushed back on to the road. (c) Geology for Global Development, 2012

Friday Photo (53) – Earthquake Emergency Shelter – Lanzhou, China

Lanzhou, China – Earthquake Emergency Shelter Interesting questions about preparedness, local education and awareness were raised on a recent visit to Lanzhou, China, after I was told on a coach from the airport that Lanzhou was not affected by earthquakes. During my visit to the University there, I came across this sign which offered a stark contradiction. Lanzhou regularly experiences smal ...[Read More]