Geology for Global Development

Guest Blogs

Blog Competition (1st Prize) – Philip Irwin: In Unity We Trust

For our Blog Competition 2013, we asked for people to submit articles addressing one of two topics. Philip Irwin’s article makes an argument for the inclusion of development education in geoscience courses, and it won first prize in its category.  Philip did BSc Geology at Durham University where he developed an interest in environmental hazards.  He then spent some time travelling to places ...[Read More]

Guest Blog: What IF We Aren’t Helping?

Tim Middleton, GfGD’s Advocacy Development Officer, takes a critical look at this year’s IF campaign. This opinions expressed here are those of Tim, and not necessarily those of all involved with Geology for Global Development. As an organisation, however, we do believe that it is important to encourage debate on how best to undertake effective development. You’d be forgiven for having missed the ...[Read More]

Guest Blog: Community Water and Sanitation at Cranfield University

Alison Parker explains how and why she ended up lecturing in International Water and Sanitation at Cranfield Water Science Institute.   Over millions of years, geological forces have built the Himalayas and carved the Grand Canyon and put abundant natural resources at human beings’ disposal. However, it is obvious that in the short time that humans have been on the planet they have had an eno ...[Read More]

Guest Blog: A Summer of Volcanic Observation in Ecuador (3)

David Litchfield completed a second undergraduate degree in Geosciences with the Open University and is currently studying part-time for an MSc in Geophysical Hazards at UCL. He has a broad interest in hazard monitoring methods and how geoscientists communicate their findings with those who need it, and retains a strong connection with the Andean highlands of Ecuador. This summer, David is volunte ...[Read More]