Geology for Global Development

GfGD General

GfGD Fundraising

I am incredibly proud of what GfGD has been able to achieve over the past two years with minimal finances. Through the hard work of many of our University Group Ambassadors, National Committee and other volunteers we have grown and developed a number of low-cost programmes that are engaging students across the UK, Republic of Ireland and beyond. We have significantly benefited from the generosity ...[Read More]

New Placement Opportunity: Hazards Education in the Himalayas – Literature Reviews

In June 2014 a conference will take place in Leh (Ladakh Region, India) with a focus on sustainable resource development in the Himlayas. Prior to the main conference, there will be a two-day school’s conference involving students (aged 14-16 years) from 10-15 local schools. A series of lessons will be delivered to these students on the key topics of (i) climate change, energy resources and energy ...[Read More]

GfGD Fundraising Calendars

Those of you at our recent GfGD Conference will have had the opportunity to get your hands on one of our lovely GfGD fundraising calendars. The great news is that we have some of these left and so are able to give you the opportunity to get one (or more) – making perfect Christmas presents for your friends and family, or just a treat for yourself. The calendars are available for the bargain ...[Read More]

GfGD University Groups

Our conference is over, but there is little time to rest. October-December is a key time to invest in our growing network of University Groups. Today we share a little bit about their purpose, leadership and how to start the process of launching a new one in YOUR university… GfGD University Groups are a key way of outworking our objectives to (i) promote the collective and individual respons ...[Read More]