Geology for Global Development


Research Reports – Ladakh Hazards Education

Over Christmas GfGD hosted three research placements, with reports being produced on (i) Himalayan geology, (ii) landslides in Ladakh, and (iii) social/cultural aspects of Ladakh. Those undertaking these projects did a fantastic job, and we are delighted to have published them on our website – available open-access for others to use. They will form important background reading for our projec ...[Read More]

Hazards Education Booklet: Call for Contributions

GfGD are involved in an international project on Sustainable Resource Development of the Himalaya (see, which will cumulate in the delivery of a students’ programme in Ladakh, India, in June 2014. We are inviting students from across our network to submit material to be included in a booklet that will be used during teaching, and also given to the participating ...[Read More]

Eruption of Mount Sinabung and Poverty Reduction

Last week Mount Sinabung, an active volcano on the island of Sumatra (Indonesia), erupted killing at least 16 people. It is reported that a number of the deaths were people going back into the evacuated zone to see the eruption up close and to check on properties and land.  This is a sad reminder of the power of volcanic processes and their lethal potential (see the images on the BBC News), partic ...[Read More]