Geology for Global Development


Friday Photo (122) – Landslide Prone Slopes in Guatemala City

Development of Housing on Landslide Prone Slopes in Guatemala City. These slopes are regularly impacted by mass movement events, during the rainy season. Planning enforcement and monitoring is also reported to be impacted by ‘no-go’ zones for police in this part of the city. Credit: Joel Gill, 2014

Help us Teach Hazards in the Himalayas

Geology for Global Development are involved in an international project on Sustainable Resource Development of the Himalaya (see, which will cumulate in the delivery of a students’ programme in Ladakh, India, in June 2014. The programme will include lessons on resources, climate, earthquakes and landslides. GfGD have particular responsibility for delivering the ...[Read More]

Field Research in Guatemala (4) – Reflections from Fuego

  Joel Gill (GfGD Founding Director) continues his live reporting from Guatemala, discussing his interdisciplinary field research relating to natural hazard interactions and disaster risk reduction. This fieldwork forms part of a NERC/ESRC funded PhD, supervised by staff in the Department of Geography at King’s College London. Over the past few weeks I’ve had the opportunity to see some remar ...[Read More]