Geology for Global Development


GfGD at the EGU General Assembly 2014

Following the success of our own conference last month and the great opportunities we have had to get involved in the EGU over the past couple of years, we are delighted to be involved in a number of sessions at the 2014 General Assembly in Vienna, Austria. Collaborating with other partners and convenors, these sessions will give students and academics the opportunity to profile research that is a ...[Read More]

GfGD at #EGU2013: A Guide to Getting the Most out of a Conference

International conferences such as the European Geosciences Union General Assembly are attended by thousands of geoscientists. As a young geoscientists attending for the first time, you can feel a bit lost, and given the size of the conference centres, actually BE lost! For people with experience, conferences have a lot to offer. GfGD has pulled together some top tips to help you find your way arou ...[Read More]

Interview: Jonathan Amos, BBC Science Correspondent

Jonathan Amos has been working as a science specialist for the BBC since 1994, and has won major awards for his online science reporting. He attended the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013 to write about the latest geoscience research and we saw some really popular stories emerging as a result of his reporting.  We spoke to Jonathan about science communication. c Should scientists le ...[Read More]