Geology for Global Development


EGU: GfGD at the EGU General Assembly 2013

Joel Gill (GfGD Director) and Rosalie Tostevin (GfGD Blog Manager) will be attending Europe’s largest Earth Science conference, the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2013. The conference runs from the 7th-13th April and is based in Vienna. Joel will be giving a talk about GfGD (details below), as well as presenting his own research on interacting hazards. Rosalie will be atte ...[Read More]

Conference: Geophysics in Future Energy Challenges

The British Geophysical Association is hosting a two day conference on the 14th and 15th of February, 2013. The focus of the conference will be the use of geophysics in future energy challenges. Novel geophysical techniques will be needed to maximise output from conventional reserves and safely explore unconventional reserves. Once the deep reserves are depleted, the empty pore spaces in the rock ...[Read More]

Guest Blog: Earthquake Risk Reduction in Bangladesh

Dr Susanne Sargeant works as a seismologist for the British Geological Survey. Susanne is undertaking work on the enhancement of knowledge exchange between earthquake scientists and NGOs for disaster risk reduction, preparedness and response. Her research is an excellent example of the integration of geoscience and development, and she is a member of GfGD’s Advisory Group. Here Susanne guest ...[Read More]

Going to This Year’s AGU Meeting?

The American Geophysical Union (AGU) convenes this week for their 45th annual fall meeting – the world’s largest international gathering of Earth scientists. Geoscientists from all around the world will be sharing their latest research and catching up with colleagues from other institutions. There will be plenty of talks relevant to GfGD. We’ve picked our highlights from the sche ...[Read More]