Geology for Global Development

Friday Photo (86): Wildlife in the Field – the Rock Hyrax

WIF DassieThis little guy (can you spot him?!) is a Dassie, or “Rock Hyrax” – a familiar friend to many geologists in the field. These animals live in groups among large fallen blocks of rock, and will pop their heads up periodically to keep an eye on you as you go about your fieldwork.

They can  cause problems as they have designated ‘toilet rocks’, and their urine can cover an entire rock surface in an opaque white film – you would have to be very dedicated to want to uncover the geology below. There are gaps in my sampling of sections as a result of this – one for the methods section!

And a different view:

WiF Dassie 2

(c) Geology for Global Development 2013


Rosalie was the Himalayas Programme Officer for Geology for Global Development and writer for the GfGD blog. She is a geochemist and a postdoc at the University of Oxford.