Geology for Global Development

GfGD Conference 2014 – Present a Poster


Posters at the 1st GfGD Annual Conference (Credit: Rosalie Tostevin)

At the GfGD Conference 2013, we had a number of excellent posters from both undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as some from recent graduates working on various aspects of relating to development. This year we will again be giving students and recent graduates the opportunity to present relevant work and contribute your ideas on the conference topics. Posters could be based on:

UNDERGRADUATE/POSTGRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH: Geology-related fieldwork or research with a focus on developing countries, sustainable development, community engagement or technical capacity building. This includes (a) Mapping projects in less economically developed countries, (b) MSci/MGeol research projects, (c) MSc research projects and (d) PhD Research.

UNIVERSITY GROUP ACTIVITIES: GfGD University Groups are encouraged to submit a poster outlining the activities that their group have been involved in over the past 1-2 years and the plans they have for the future. These will be really helpful for other students to think about how to set up a group and the types of activities new and existing groups could run.

PLACEMENTS/WORK EXPERIENCE: Reports and conclusions from relevant work experience, placements, voluntary opportunities or employment.

Poster sessions form an important part of many academic conferences. Students will have the opportunity to answer questions and discuss topics their posters raise with other conference participants. Such sessions can provoke great discussion, give excellent networking opportunities and raise the profile of work you have been doing. An opportunity to present a poster at a conference is rare for undergraduates, and hence this will also be great experience and good for your CV.

Small prizes will be awarded at the conference for the best posters, with both undergraduate and postgraduate/graduate classes. Furthermore, a small number of GfGD travel bursaries (worth £20 each) will be awarded to selected student poster presenters (based on the quality and relevance of abstract), where the presenter is travelling from outside London.

Full details for abstract submission can be found here (Abstract Submission Deadline = 15th August 2014).

Joel is the Founder/Director of Geology for Global Development (@Geo_Dev) an organisation working to support geologists to make a sustainable contribution to the fight against global poverty. He is an interdisciplinary researcher, with a PhD in geography (natural hazards), and research interests in multi-hazard frameworks, disaster risk reduction, rural water projects, and sustainable development. This work has taken him to Chile, China, Guatemala, India, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda. Joel is currently based at the British Geological Survey, and tweets at @JoelCGill.