Geology for Global Development

Blog Competition 2013 – Winning entries

This summer Geology for Global Development ran a blog competition – inviting you to submit articles on one of two topics or share some of your favourite images. Thank you for all of your thoughtful and interesting entries, we very much enjoyed reading your posts and seeing your photos. All entries have been considered by a panel of five independent judges, and after careful deliberation, we are very pleased to announce our competition winners:



1. Discuss the impact of a recent disaster event in a developing country, thinking about social and cultural issues, any factors enhancing the vulnerability of the local population, and the response of the local government, NGOs and the international community to the disaster. What changes could be/have been made that will reduce risk in future disasters?

1st prize: Robin Wylie

2. Make an argument for why the teaching of development education should be included in geoscience courses; what benefits are there for the student, the university and society? 

1st Prize: Philip Irwin

Both Robin and Philip will be invited to present their written topics as a mini-presentation at the GfGD conference in October. They will also be presented with a 1:25,000,000 map of global groundwater resources and a globetrotter travel map of either Africa, Asia or South America.

Highly commended by the judges: Omeye Chimaobi and Ekbal Hussain.

Look out for all of their articles on our blog over the coming month!



1st Prize: David Litchfield

David’s photo will be revealed at the GfGD conference, where it will be transformed into a postcard and distributed to conference attendees. David will also be presented with a 1:25,000,000 map of global groundwater resources and a globetrotter travel map of either Africa, Asia or South America.

Highly commended: Richard Wall


With thanks to our judging panel:

Khalil A. Cassimally  Community Coordinator of The Conversation UK

Jon Tennant  EGU Blogger and PhD student at Imperial College

Joel Gill  GfGD National Director

Jane Robb  GfGD Communications Officer

Rosalie Tostevin  GfGD Deputy Communication Officer

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Rosalie was the Himalayas Programme Officer for Geology for Global Development and writer for the GfGD blog. She is a geochemist and a postdoc at the University of Oxford.