Geology for Global Development

GfGD Launch Event at the University of Leeds

The GfGD University group at Leeds recently held a series of short talks to launch itself within the department. With financial support from the Student Experience team, the event consisted of three short talks from three members of the school, including the head of the department, followed by informal snacks and wine to allow students to mull over the topics discussed.

The speakers raised the issues of risk and resilience in natural disasters and how geoscientists can mitigate against these in developing nations; the unnervingly earthquake-prone Istanbul and whether this historic city is really under threat; and how corporate responsibility and ‘soft skills’ are important in major mining operations in sub-Saharan Africa.

With approximately fifty students attending, the speakers addressed students from disciplines across Geography, Sustainability, Environmental Science and Geology creating an interesting mix of opinions and considerable interested from all years in this new University group.

The evening proved very successful and helped develop partnerships with academic organisations within the School of Earth and Environment. Thanks must be made to the speakers: Dr Richard Phillips, Ekbal Hussain and Professor Andy Dougill, to Climate and Geohazards Services and to the department for the provision of refreshments to follow the talks. An enjoyable night was had by all and will hopefully allow the group here in Leeds to achieve much more in the coming years.

Rosalie was the Himalayas Programme Officer for Geology for Global Development and writer for the GfGD blog. She is a geochemist and a postdoc at the University of Oxford.