Ever since I was eight and fascinated by how rocks were formed, I dreamed of being a geoscientist. Growing up in Nigeria, I was captivated by rocks as nature’s storytellers—from how rivers shaped our landscapes to how oil could be extracted from deep beneath the Earth. This passion fueled my ambition to become a geoscientist as I pursued my bachelor’s, master’s, and eventually my ...[Read More]
What I wish someone told me early in my career: meet Jane Roussak, our Events Manager
‘What I wish someone told me early in my career’ is a new Geolog series that aims to provide valuable insights and guidance to early-career professionals within the European Geosciences Union (EGU) community. Each month, I will interview a staff member of EGU to share their personal career journey, experiences, challenges faced, and the tips they wish they had received earlier in their careers. Th ...[Read More]
What I wish someone told me early in my career: meet Hazel Gibson, our Head of Communications
‘What I wish someone told me early in my career’ is a new Geolog series that aims to provide valuable insights and guidance to early-career professionals within the European Geosciences Union (EGU) community. Each month, I will interview a staff member of EGU to share their personal career journey, experiences, challenges faced, and the tips they wish they had received earlier in their ...[Read More]
EGU’s President Helen Glaves and Vice-President Irina Artemieva discuss leadership in science!

For the first time in our history both EGU’s President and Vice-President are women – in fact most of our volunteer senior leadership team is compromised of outstanding women in science, our current President Helen Glaves, our Vice-President Irina Artemieva who will become President at the next General Assembly, and our General Secretary Jane Hart. This year for International WomenR ...[Read More]