

Announcing the winners of the EGU21 Photo Competition!

Announcing the winners of the EGU21 Photo Competition!

For this year’s Photo Contest, EGU received scores of amazing images capturing a broad spectrum of the geosciences. After the selection committee whittled the field down to 10 finalists, members have been voting for their favourites throughout the two weeks of vEGU21. We’ve had thousands of votes, but now we are very excited to announce the winners.   Congratulations to these superb pho ...[Read More]

Artist in Residence – Atmospheric rivers

Artist in Residence – Atmospheric rivers

With a name like “atmospheric rivers” this subject is an absolute gift to the poetically-inclined! Atmospheric rivers I float high in the sky, higher than the jagged, ice-hewn nunatak peaks I see below me as I peer over the side of my coracle made of clouds. Down there, beneath frayed candifloss, Greenland glows white in bright polar sunlight. My coracle bobs and sways as I go with the ...[Read More]

Artist in Residence – Deep time, deep circulation, deep thinking

Artist in Residence – Deep time, deep circulation, deep thinking

Concepts accepted in geology always have room for revision. In this case, time itself is revised! This one melted my brain a little. Deep time, deep circulation, deep thinking Plate tectonics, amongst the most evocative subjects in geology. The entire skin of the earth shifting and reorganising continuously, the most profound of motion. So deep and ancient, that humans struggle to understand it. E ...[Read More]

Artist in Residence – Nature-based harmony

Artist in Residence – Nature-based harmony

I find the idea of nature-based solutions hugely appealing. Let’s explore what it means! Nature-based harmony Over billions of years, natural ecosystems have co-evolved solutions that prevent their damage and destruction. So why do we think we can do better, with only 10,000 years of innovation? We can restore and reproduce the natural behaviour of ecosystems in the places we inhabit, Nature ...[Read More]