Every year at the General Assembly hundreds of students present their research with a lot of time and effort going into preparing these presentations. With the aim to further improve the overall quality of poster presentations and more importantly, to encourage Early Career Scientists to present their work in the form of a poster, the OSP Awards (as they were formerly known), were born. Since the ...[Read More]
GeoTalk: Jane Roussak, EGU’s Events Manager, tells us how to get connected at EGU24!
The EGU General Assembly 2024 (EGU24) will be held 14-19 April 2024, in Vienna, Austria and online. To learn more about discovering your research network at EGU24 and the inner workings of organising such an event, I sat down with Jane Roussak to ask her some questions. Hello Jane. Thank you for joining GeoTalk! Could you introduce yourself to our readers? Thank you for having me! I’m Jane Roussak ...[Read More]
The geological period that no one talks about: menstruation in the field
Try typing the phrase ‘period in geosciences’ into Google. You’ll get something like ‘divisions of geological time’, and how we divide ancient earth time into eras, periods and epochs. We learn about this in the first year and again in every subsequent year of geological training. We are both geochronologists, so this is a topic we are deeply familiar with. But we are also both women. To us, and e ...[Read More]
Honest observations about EGU23 poster designs: from geophysicist and graphic designer Fabio Crameri

Science tells us: more is more, and less is less. As geoscientists, we therefore intuitively conceive paragraphs of text as a lot of information, and a generous selection of colours as strongly eye-catching. But text-filled, rainbow-coloured poster presentations communicate neither effectively nor in an accessible manner. After working for months or even years on a geoscience project, we have a lo ...[Read More]