The schedule is out, presentation slots have been assigned and it’s time to start thinking about putting yours together. Whether you have an oral, poster or PICO slot, we have a suite of simple guidelines to get you ready for the conference! Orals The guidelines for oral presentations are online. All oral presentations should have the dimensions 4:3 or 16:9 and last about 12 minutes, with 3 minute ...[Read More]
Try something different – choose a PICO session at EGU 2017!
Some of the sessions scheduled for the upcoming EGU General Assembly are PICO only sessions. This means that, rather than being oral or poster format, they involve Presenting Interactive COntent (PICO). The aim of these presentations is to highlight the essence of a particular research area – just enough to get the audience excited about a topic without overloading them with information. What’s gr ...[Read More]
What’s new for the 2017 EGU General Assembly?
Following a record number of participants at last year’s General Assembly and feedback received, the EGU and its conference organiser Copernicus will be introducing a number of changes at the EGU 2017 General Assembly. In this post, we highlight a few of the changes that returning participants will notice at next year’s conference. More participants means making way for more presentati ...[Read More]
Imaggeo on Mondays: Get involved!

Today’s featured image is a throw back to our 2016 General Assembly! Did you enjoy this year’s 619 unique scientific sessions and 321 side events at conference? Did you know that EGU members and conference attendees can play an active role in shaping the scientific programme of the conference? It is super easy! You can suggest a session (with conveners and description), and/or modifica ...[Read More]