
open publishing

Three peer review myths debunked by the First EGU Peer Review Training

Three peer review myths debunked by the First EGU Peer Review Training

In 2023, EGU offered Peer Review Training for the first time, over three virtual sessions in September and October 2023, with a little homework in between. With more than 100 applications, from which we chose 57, mostly Early Career Scientists (ECS) to fill the available places, the desire for this kind of training in the EGU community was clear. About 80% of the participants completed the trainin ...[Read More]

What does open science mean in the real world? My experiences in becoming EGU’s editorial manager

What does open science mean in the real world? My experiences in becoming EGU’s editorial manager

For nearly 7 months now, I have held the position of EGU’s editorial manager. However, my interest in and passion for open access and open science in general goes back several years. Here, it is important to make the distinction: open science is a broad concept that encompasses transparency and accessibility in the entire research process, while open access is an important component of open scienc ...[Read More]

To accept or not accept: what makes a good scientific editor

To accept or not accept: what makes a good scientific editor

Researchers and those in academia sooner or later come across the scientific editor: the gatekeeper of scientific journals. The editor plays a key role in the publishing process, working closely with authors and reviewers to implement an unbiased peer-review process that upholds rigorous standards. They are often experienced scientists and experts in their field who ensure that the published resea ...[Read More]

EGUsphere preprints: moderators celebrate more opportunities and increased flexibility

EGUsphere preprints: moderators celebrate more opportunities and increased flexibility

Preprints are in the spotlight this month at EGU, with the newest feature of our Open Access repository EGUsphere now officially available! As we observe this new milestone, EGU is aware of the important role that its moderators will play in this process. This week, four EGUsphere moderators tell us what they look forward to in their new role and encourage other geoscientists to join in the experi ...[Read More]