

Imaggeo on Mondays: What a thin section has to say about the deformation of the Zagros Mountains

Imaggeo on Mondays: What a thin section has to say about the deformation of the Zagros Mountains

The impressive Zagros Orogeny, as seen from a bird’s-eye view, has featured on Imaggeo on Monday’s blog posts a few times recently. From its fluvial dissection features, through to a false colour LANDSAT 7 image which reveals a velociraptor hiding among fold and thrusts, we’ve looked at the broad scale structures which shape the Zagros mountains. This week, the scale changes entirely: we zoom righ ...[Read More]

For the love of rocks

We often have a way of seeing patterns in otherwise random features, and rock outcrops are no exception. Do you see the heart on its side? To the untrained eye an outcrop like this is simply a heart-shaped feature in an otherwise grey rock. But to the geologist, the layers, swirls, shapes and colours tell a story. The ribbons in the granite show that the rock has been subjected to sheer forces and ...[Read More]