The General Assembly is almost here. Presentations are complete, posters are printed, bags are packed and all you need to do is get to the conference… The Austria Center Vienna (ACV), the Assembly venue, is not far from the city centre and can easily be reached from the airport and central train station. You can get there via the U1, the red line in the underground map below: The ACV is located ne ...[Read More]
Union-wide events at EGU 2014
Wondering what to expect at our General Assembly this year? Here are some of the highlights: Great Debates (GDB) This year we’re holding two Great Debates: Metals in our backyard: to mine or not to mine (GDB1; #EGU14mine) and Geoengineering the climate: the way forward? (GDB2; #EGU14geng), both of which bring topical and controversial issues in Earth science to the fore. Experts from a variety of ...[Read More]
A first-timer’s guide to the 2014 General Assembly
Will this be your first time at an EGU General Assembly? With over 11,000 participants in a massive venue, the conference can be a confusing and, at times, overwhelming place. To help you find your way, we have compiled an introductory handbook filled with history, presentation pointers, travel tips and a few facts about Vienna and its surroundings. Download your copy of the EGU General Assembly g ...[Read More]
EGU 2014 General Assembly programme now online!
The EGU General Assembly 2014 programme is available here. Take a look and – if you haven’t already – register for the conference by 31 March to make the early registration rates! The scientific programme of this year’s General Assembly includes Union Symposia, Interdivision Sessions, Educational and Outreach Symposia, as well as oral, poster and PICO sessions covering the full spectrum of t ...[Read More]