

Meet Jenny Turton, incoming Union-level Representative!

Meet Jenny Turton, incoming Union-level Representative!

Hello Jenny. Thanks for agreeing to this interview! To break the ice, could you tell us a bit about yourself and your career? Hello! ‘Break the ice’ is a relevant saying for me, as I started being involved with EGU through the Cryosphere division. I am originally from Birmingham in the UK, and moved to Lancaster for my undergraduate and masters degrees in physical geography and earth s ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: Meet Anita Di Chiara, the Union-level Early Career Scientist Representative!

Anita Di'Chiara

Hi Anita. Thank you for joining us today! Before we jump in, could you tell us a bit about yourself and your career? I am a postdoctoral researcher between the INGV in Rome and Scripps Institution of Oceanography. I am from Palermo, in Italy, and did my PhD in Rome; then I lived in Brazil, the UK, and the US during my past four postdoctoral projects. I work as a paleomagnetist to refine our unders ...[Read More]

The Early Career Scientists group ‘Jobs and Careers’ is here to help all ECS!

The Early Career Scientists group ‘Jobs and Careers’ is here to help all ECS!

Early Career Scientists (ECS) often face challenges when it comes to finding and pursuing their career path. Science offers a wide variety of options, so building a career in or around science can be quite daunting, with no clear single path to follow. While research is an obvious career choice for ECS, it can be conducted in a variety of different settings; from academic and governmental institut ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: meet Federico Amato, environmental data miner & ECS representative for ESSI Division

GeoTalk: meet Federico Amato, environmental data miner & ECS representative for ESSI Division

Hello Federico, thank you for agreeing to talk with us! Could you introduce yourself? Hello Simon, thanks for inviting me for this talk! As you can probably guess from my name, I am Italian. I completed my studies in Italy obtaining a master’s degree in Engineering and a PhD in Innovation and Sustainable Development Engineering. Then, three and a half years ago I moved to Switzerland for a Postdoc ...[Read More]