Hi Freija. Thank you for joining us today! Could you tell our readers a bit about yourself before we dive in? Hi Simon, thanks for inviting me! I’m a marine scientist based in the UK specialising in microplastic pollution but my work has taken me across many different disciplines from physical geography to ecotoxicology. Recently my research has focused on trying to understand what impacts the tra ...[Read More]
When nature isn’t “natural”: Reflections on World Wetlands Day
In 1821, peat cutters discovered a body similar to a mummy, pinned down by two wooden stakes deep in the mud. The body’s face still held red hair and a beard, their teeth were well preserved, and a hoop of willow was wrapped around their throat. But this wasn’t the dry, hot climate of Egypt but a cold and rain-sodden bog of Ireland. Later assessment suggested that these were the remain ...[Read More]
GeoTalk: meet Abraham Dabengwa, Early Career savanna conservationist!
Hello Abraham. Thank you for speaking with us today! Could you tell our readers a bit about yourself and your research? Thanks, Simon! It’s a pleasure to be invited to share about my work. Well, where do I begin? For starters, I’m a Genus Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. I describe myself as an early-career African ecologist with a keen inte ...[Read More]
An ocean emergency is upon us. Can the world reverse ocean decline?

“The ocean is not too big to fail, nor is it too big to fix, but it is too important to ignore.” Last week, Dr Jane Lubchenco voiced a thought we’ve all had at some point: that the ocean is so vast and bountiful, it is almost inconceivable that people could impact it. And yet… Speaking to more than 20 Heads of State and Government, and an audience of thousands of policymakers, ocean scientists, bu ...[Read More]