This blogpost is a round-up of potentially useful weblinks to information about the Sendai, Japan earthquake of 11 March 2011. This post is a summary of what is out there as a resource, not European Geosciences Union endorsed links. There is a Supersite for the Sendai Earthquake which is a collection of preliminary data and research. This has a lot of information contained within the page and link ...[Read More]
Imaggeo Mondays: Seattle Waterfront
Photo by Chris Kidd, distributed by EGU under a Creative Commons License. The photograph illustrates how dependent we are on the environment around us. Here, along the waterfront in Seattle, water is used for transporting people and goods, oceans are used to access raw materials and there is the aesthetic appeal of ‘the sea’. All of this is not without hazards, from the water itself an ...[Read More]
EGU Journals: Special Edition of NHESS
The latest edition of NHESS (Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences) features a post-face by Münch et al. summarising the special issue which has 22 peer-reviewed papers concerning the GITEWS (German Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System) project. Münch et al. (2011) state how the idea for the special issue of NHESS was formulated at the EGU General Assembly in 2009. The papers cover all aspe ...[Read More]
Presenting at the EGU General Assembly 2011
This post will outline what’s available in the presentation rooms, pointing you to the appropriate pages on the EGU GA 2011 website. Oral Presentations The guidelines for oral presentations online. The link includes the equipment available in each room (laptop, beamer, microphone, laser pointer, ability to hook up your own laptop etc.). Oral presentations this year are only in time blocks 1 ...[Read More]