As with previous years, selected sessions along with all press conferences (see EGU Media Portal) will be live-streamed during the General Assembly 2011 and are will also be available on demand after the conference. Please enter the general EGU Webstreaming site. The webstream portal contains events from General Assemblies in 2008, 2009 and 2010. The 2011 programme includes: Monday, 4 April 2011 1 ...[Read More]
Navigating Vienna
Getting to the EGU General Assembly Venue The Austria Center Vienna (ACV), the venue for the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011, is located next to the station “Kaisermühlen/Vienna Int. Centre” on subway line U1 running from the city centre (Stephansplatz) to Leopoldau. A Vienna metro plan (in pdf) can be found here and a travel planner for Vienna on Wiener Linien’s site (including h ...[Read More]
EGU General Assembly 2011 At a glance
This post highlights some events at the General Assembly that will of interest to the whole community. Room D is on the Blue level (Basement) of the Austria Center Vienna. Monday, 04 April 12:15–13:15 Union Plenary Room D. All attendants are invited to this annual event where the past and future development of EGU is discussed. The Plenary is open to all EGU members and all EGU2011 General Assembl ...[Read More]
Further details on events at the EGU GA 2011 related to recent Natural Hazard Events
Further details are available about the recently added session at the EGU General Assembly 2011. US4: The 22 February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake, Conveners:Mary Fowler, Charlotte Krawczyk and Ramon Carbonell, in Room D on Thursday, 07 April, 08:30–10:15 will have three speakers on various aspects of the earthquake plus time for discussion. US5: The 11 March 2011 Tohoku (Sendai) Earthquake and Ts ...[Read More]