In response to EGU members’ requests individually and at Town Hall meetings at the General Assemblies 2010 and 2011, the European Geosciences Union is trialling a mentoring scheme for members. Initially this will be for female mentees (mentors can be of either gender). The mentoring scheme is designed so that face-to-face contact is not vital and is meant to be an enriching experience for bo ...[Read More]
Imaggeo on Mondays: Mother of Pearl Cloud
Mother of Pearl Cloud above Esrange, Sweden. Image by Peggy Achtert, distributed by EGU under a Creative Commons License. This image shows a Polar Stratospheric Cloud (PSC) observed during a lidar campaign at Esrange, northern Sweden, on January 27th, 2011. The lidar measurement revealed that the PSC occurred between 29 and 31 km altitude at a temperature below -93°C. PSCs are most commonly observ ...[Read More]
European Geosciences Union at GSA Annual Meeting 2011
If you’re attending the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Minneapolis this week, come and visit the EGU booth (#457) in the exhibition hall. We’re here Monday and Tuesday (9am-6pm), along with Wednesday (9am-2pm).
Imaggeo on Mondays: Alpine Wetland
High Altitude Wetland in the Alps, Switzerland. Image by Christine Schleupner, distributed by EGU under a Creative Commons License. High altitude wetlands are scenic and unique ecosystems that fulfill important hydrological functions and provide many ecosystem services. They also serve as geo-archives and play a role in greenhouse-gas emissions, just to name a few things. The photograph has been t ...[Read More]