

Celebration: 10 years of interactive open access publishing at EGU GA 2011

It’s been ten years since the launch of the first interactive open access journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, followed by a growing number of EGU open access journals covering most fields of geoscience. A combination of traditional peer review and interactive and public discussion on the internet assures efficient scientific exchange and top quality. High submission rates and impact factors ...[Read More]

Have you visited the Job and Education Market at EGU GA 2011?

The Job and Education Market is Hall X [map (pdf)]. As part of the Job and Education Market there are presentations. The upcoming presentations are below: Wed, 06 Apr, 13:30–14:00 JEM3: Borderless careers with Schlumberger Wed, 06 Apr, 14:15–14:45 JEM6: Opportunity of a Lifetime with Saudi Aramco Wed, 06 Apr, 15:00–15:30 GIS and the future job market Please remember that the Job and Education Mark ...[Read More]

Mac Users and EGU GA 2011 programme USB stick

Some mac users have been experiencing problems with the USB stick that contains the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 Programme. If you have been affected, please take the USB to the EGU Information Desk (Ground Floor, Yellow Level, to the left once you get in the main entrance) and the problem can be resolved in 5-10 seconds. All student assistants have been instructed on how to re ...[Read More]