Members of the European Geosciences Union are reminded that voting for the positions of President and General Secretary closes on 1 December 2011. Members will have received an email from the Executive Secretary on the 3 November with details and a unique, one time only voting token. All members of the EGU are encouraged to use their voting rights, which ensures continuation of the well-establishe ...[Read More]
Submitting an abstract to EGU GA 2012
Writing Your Abstract Abstracts should be short (300–500 words), clear, concise and written in English with correct spelling and good sentence structure. Mathematical symbols and equations must be typed in, and metric symbols should be used. Figures and tables should not be included. We recommend that the abstract is carefully compiled and thoroughly checked, in particular with regard to the list ...[Read More]
Sand Dunes at EGU GA 2012
Several participants in the Geoblogsphere having been posting recently about sand dunes. Its part of Sand Dune Week declared on twitter by Brian Romans. Some of the posts are listed by Matthew Francis or find more by searching on twitter for “sand dune week”. There are three sessions at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012 directly related to sand dunes, these are liste ...[Read More]
Imaggeo on Mondays: Rock Fall
Rock Fall. Image by Fausto Guzzetti, distributed by EGU under a Creative Commons licence. The photograph shows a rock fall occurred near Valtopina, Umbria, Central Italy, at an unknown date. Rockfalls are a mass movement hazard. They mostly occur on steep rock faces, with the blocks that fall detaching along an existing weakness. The scale of a rock fall can range from a few blocks of rock to rock ...[Read More]