

The varying composition of a single bolt of lightning

The varying composition of a single bolt of lightning

Until recently, scientists assumed lightning had a homogeneous distribution of energy inside its channel. But researchers like Damien Bestard, a PhD student with the Sorbonne Université have found that the composition of each bolt is quite variable. Bestard presented his findings at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly EGU23 on Monday (April 24). As part of his research, Bestard measure ...[Read More]

How to make the most of EGU23: from EGU Events Co-ordinator Jane Roussak

How to make the most of EGU23: from EGU Events Co-ordinator Jane Roussak

The countdown to EGU23 continues and we are now only DAYS away from the much anticipated conference week. With an event of such size and scale, it’s no surprise that some people – particularly first time attendees – may find it intimidating or confusing to navigate the week. So today I decided to talk to Jane Roussak, EGU Events Co-Ordinator  to ask her for some last minute tips ...[Read More]

Meet our EGU23 Communications Team!

Meet our EGU23 Communications Team!

Everything you see and hear about EGU’s upcoming General Assembly EGU23 is carefully created, designed and posted by our talented communications team! That’s right, this team – our fabulous four if you will – works diligently behind the scenes to manage our social media, blogging and the press conferences. These interns and volunteers are going to be assisting EGU Media and ...[Read More]