Picture yourself in the Himalaya mountain belt: millions of years of continental uplift have produced a vast kingdom of towering monoliths, and they continue to grow as the Indian plate pushes further north into the heart of Asia. These dramatic, breath-taking and downright enormous geological structures can be simplified into the following tectonic units: the Leugogranites, the Transhimalaya, the ...[Read More]
Educational Fellowship at the EGU – open for applications!
Interested in working in geoscience education and outreach? We have just the opportunity for you… EGU Fellowships offer young scientists the opportunity to gain experience in science management and communication at the EGU Executive Office in Munich, Germany. Fellows are strategically deployed to develop new initiatives and capabilities for long-term use by the EGU. The Educational Fellowship will ...[Read More]
Using social networks to respond to earthquakes
Effective responses to natural disasters require the rapid acquisition of information about where has been affected, how many people are in the affected areas and what the magnitude of the damage is. This information is critical in both disaster and emergency rescue management. Indeed, the first three days after the onset of a disaster has been dubbed the “72-hour golden rescue period”, after whic ...[Read More]
Science bloggers – join the 2013 General Assembly blogroll!
Will you be blogging at the 2013 General Assembly? If so, sign up here and we’ll add you to our official blogroll. We will be compiling a list (blogroll) of blogs that feature posts about the EGU General Assembly and making it available on our blog. We’d ask you to write posts directly related to the Assembly during the meeting in Vienna. The content of each blog on this list is the re ...[Read More]