The EGU’s Geosciences Information for Teachers (GIFT) programme offers teachers the opportunity to hone their skills in the Earth Sciences. The General Assembly Workshop is one of GIFT’s most important activities of the year and combines presentations on current research by leading scientists with hands-on activities presented by educators to teachers attending the event. Natural Haza ...[Read More]
Monday at the General Assembly
Welcome to the 2013 General Assembly! This is the first full day of sessions – we’ve put together a few highlights for today below. Be sure to complement this information with EGU Today, the daily newsletter of the General Assembly, available both in paper and for download here. Of particular importance today is the Union’s Plenary Meeting (UM8) at 12:15 in Room R1, a forum for all Assembly ...[Read More]
CCS – what’s the hold up?
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has been on the research and political agenda for some time now, but there has been a surge in media coverage recently in the European Union (EU). This is in part due to the announcement of the results of the CCS funding commercialisation competition run by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) in the UK and also the second call for European Commission ...[Read More]
Live from the General Assembly
Many of the EGU General Assembly higlights will be streamed live, so if you can’t make it to Vienna this year, you can still watch the Union Session on Curiosity’s first results (US1), the Great Debate on fracking, several medal lectures and all the press conferences at the 2013 General Assembly live on the conference website. To watch a session, simply click on the link that appears n ...[Read More]