

EGU 2015: Get the Assembly mobile app!

The EGU 2015 mobile app is now available for iPhones and Android smartphones. To download it, you can scan the QR code available at the General Assembly website or go directly to on your mobile device. You will be directed to the version of the EGU 2015 app for your particular smartphone, which you can download for free. Once you open the app, the dashboard will show you four ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: Escullos

Imaggeo on Mondays: Escullos

This picture shows a Quaternary aeolianite fossil dune at the Escullos beach, in the Nature Reserve of Cabo de Gata (Almeria, Spain). Originally a soft accumulation of sand grains, shaped by the wind into large mounds and ridges, the dunes eventually turn into rock. As the sediments compact under their own pressure and expel any moisture and fluids retained within them, they become lithified and b ...[Read More]

Short courses at EGU 2015

This year there are more short courses than ever to choose from at the General Assembly. You can supercharge your scientific skills, broaden your base in science communication and pick up tips on how to boost your career – be it in academia or outside. Here’s a small selection of what’s in store at EGU 2015: Supercharge your science – new techniques and dealing with data Short course on soil mappi ...[Read More]

Presenting at the Assembly: A quick ‘how to’ from the EGU

The schedule is out, presentation slots have been assigned and it’s time to start thinking about putting yours together. Whether you have an oral, poster or PICO slot, we have a suite of simple guidelines to get you ready for the conference! Orals The guidelines for oral presentations are online. All oral presentations should have the dimensions 4:3 and last about 12 minutes, with 3 minutes for qu ...[Read More]