

What is in your field rucksack? Take a peek in Zoe Mildon’s bag

What is in your field rucksack? Take a peek in Zoe Mildon’s bag

Inspired by a post on Lifehacker on what your average geologist carries in their rucksack/backpack, we’ve put together a few blog posts showcasing what a range of our EGU members carry in their bags whilst in the field! Of course, fieldwork in Northern Europe vs. research in Australia is very different, think only of the weather! The same is true if you’ve been embarked on research in the Ar ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: Icy seasmoke

Imaggeo on Mondays: Icy seasmoke

Today’s Imaggeo on Mondays image captures the eerie mood at Halifax Harbour, in Nova Scotia, Canada, on a sunny early morning. “The photograph captures rather unusual seasmoke surrounding a local commuter ferry with a number of other naval vessels in the background”, explains Helmuth Thomas, Professor at Dalhousie University (Canada) who took the snap back in February this year. Seasmoke is rather ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: Anne Pluymakers, Early Career Scientist Representative

GeoTalk: Anne Pluymakers, Early Career Scientist Representative

In addition to the usual GeoTalk interviews, where we highlight the work and achievements of early career researchers, over the next few months we’ll be introducing the Division early career scientist representatives (ECS). They are responsible for ensuring that the voice of EGU ECS membership is heard. From organising short courses during the General Assembly, through to running Division Blogs an ...[Read More]

Crusing the Mediterranean: a first-hand account of a month at sea – Part 3

Crusing the Mediterranean: a first-hand account of a month at sea – Part 3

This is the final instalment of the adventures of Simona Aracri, a PhD student at University of Southampton, and her colleagues, who spent a month aboard a research vessel, cruising the Mediterranean Sea. Simona and the team of scientists aboard the boat documented their experiences via a blog and we’ve been sharing some highlights over the past few weeks. As we wave goodbye to the research ...[Read More]