Climate change is one of the most urgent problems facing humanity today. Every corner of the planet is already feeling the impacts of climate change, from devastating heatwaves to sweeping floods. The wealthy and powerful are responsible for the lion’s share of greenhouse gas emissions. Yet, the impacts of climate change are disproportionately felt by the poorest and most vulnerable members ...[Read More]
Three peer review myths debunked by the First EGU Peer Review Training
In 2023, EGU offered Peer Review Training for the first time, over three virtual sessions in September and October 2023, with a little homework in between. With more than 100 applications, from which we chose 57, mostly Early Career Scientists (ECS) to fill the available places, the desire for this kind of training in the EGU community was clear. About 80% of the participants completed the trainin ...[Read More]
GeoPolicy: Science-Policy Pairing Schemes in Europe – a regularly updated list
Pairing schemes are a great way for researchers to learn more about policymaking processes and how science is used in political decision-making! This month’s GeoPolicy Blog post highlights various European-based science-policy pairing scheme opportunities that researchers can apply for. Science-policy pairing schemes provide researchers with the opportunity to gain a better understanding about how ...[Read More]
GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during December!
Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we put the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights roundup. For December, the Divisions we are featuring are: Geodynamics (GD), Geomorphology (GM) and Soil System Sciences (SSS). They are served by the journals: Biogeosciences (BG), Earth Surface Dynamics (ESurf), Geoscientifi ...[Read More]