
Soil Sciences

Imaggeo on Mondays: Scorching the soil

 This week’s Imaggeo on Mondays is brought to you by the photographer himself, Antonio Jordán (Univerity of Sevilla, Spain), who describes the impact of forest fires on soil properties. This photo was taken while planning some field experiments: in the image, several water drops are resting on a surface soil layer without infiltrating. This process is known as water repellency. Water repellency is ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: Dr Guillermo Rein

This week, we are excited to introduce a new monthly blog column called GeoTalk, featuring short interviews with geoscientists about their research. To kick-start this regular Q&A series, we talked to Dr Guillermo Rein of Imperial College London about “the largest fires on Earth” and how they can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. First, could you introduce yourself and let us ...[Read More]

EGU General Assembly 2012 Call for Papers

Abstract submission for the EGU General Assembly 2012 (EGU2012) is now open. The General Assembly is being held from Sunday 22 Apr 2012 to Friday 27 Apr 2012 at the Austria Center Vienna, Austria. You can browse through the Sessions online. Each Session shows the link Abstract Submission. Using this link you are asked to log in to the Copernicus Office Meeting Organizer. You may submit the text of ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: Alpine Wetland

High Altitude Wetland in the Alps, Switzerland. Image by Christine Schleupner, distributed by EGU under a Creative Commons License. High altitude wetlands are scenic and unique ecosystems that fulfill important hydrological functions and provide many ecosystem services. They also serve as geo-archives and play a role in greenhouse-gas emissions, just to name a few things. The photograph has been t ...[Read More]