This blogpost is a round-up of potentially useful weblinks to information about the Sendai, Japan earthquake of 11 March 2011. This post is a summary of what is out there as a resource, not European Geosciences Union endorsed links. There is a Supersite for the Sendai Earthquake which is a collection of preliminary data and research. This has a lot of information contained within the page and link ...[Read More]
Imaggeo Mondays: Seattle Waterfront
Photo by Chris Kidd, distributed by EGU under a Creative Commons License. The photograph illustrates how dependent we are on the environment around us. Here, along the waterfront in Seattle, water is used for transporting people and goods, oceans are used to access raw materials and there is the aesthetic appeal of ‘the sea’. All of this is not without hazards, from the water itself an ...[Read More]
Photo Competition at EGU General Assembly 2011
For the second year there will be a photo competition at the EGU General Assembly. Last year’s winner, along with 2nd and 3rd place can be seen on the EGU GA 2010 Photo Competition page. The winning photograph “Patterns in the Void” from Christian Klepp is also below. You can submit UP TO TWO photos until FRIDAY 11 March 2011 at the Imaggeo Photo Competition Submission Page. Howe ...[Read More]
This year’s blog
This year’s blog will have more posts and, starting from next week, a generally regular pattern (which will be augmented). We will have Imaggeo Mondays, with a featured image from the EGU’s online open access geosciences image repository. Wednesday’s posts will be specific to the EGU General Assembly 2011 for example accommodation, travel, highlighting special sessions. Friday ...[Read More]