
Science Communication

Competition: Design an EGU infographic!

Infographics, images containing graphics, text, and statistics, are increasingly being used to share complex scientific concepts with a wider audience. They are powerful communication tools because they can be spread virally across social networks, furthering the public understanding of important areas within the geosciences, including climate change, natural resources, and the solar system. To ce ...[Read More]

Teachers at Sea: Farewell Marion!

In the last couple of weeks, GeoLog had the pleasure to host reports from Teachers at Sea. This educational programme, co-sponsored by the European Geosciences Union (EGU) and the French Polar Insitute (IPEV), gives school teachers the opportunity to take part in oceanographic cruises with scientists. This year, Sandrine Vivier and Ana Sánchez, teachers of Biology and Geology in Rodez (France) and ...[Read More]

Teachers at Sea: Learning physics and ocean science from high sea

Since last week, GeoLog has had the pleasure to host reports from Teachers at Sea. This educational programme, co-sponsored by the European Geosciences Union (EGU) and the French Polar Insitute (IPEV), gives school teachers the opportunity to take part in oceanographic cruises with scientists. This year, Sandrine Vivier and Ana Sánchez, teachers of Biology and Geology in Rodez (France) and Madrid ...[Read More]

Teachers at Sea: Working hard for science!

Since last week, GeoLog has had the pleasure to host reports from Teachers at Sea. This educational programme, co-sponsored by the European Geosciences Union (EGU) and the French Polar Insitute (IPEV), gives school teachers the opportunity to take part in oceanographic cruises with scientists. This year, Sandrine Vivier and Ana Sánchez, teachers of Biology and Geology in Rodez (France) and Madrid ...[Read More]