This month we have a special edition of our Geosciences column with two pieces on planetary science written by external contributors. The first article, published today, focuses on Martian water while the second, to be published tomorrow, examines the interior structure of the Moon. If you’d like to contribute to GeoLog, please contact EGU’s Media and Commmunications Officer, Bárbara T ...[Read More]
Imaggeo on Mondays: Sundogs in Alaska
The northern part of the US state of Alaska is tundra, an area where freezing-cold temperatures hinder tree growth. The result is an unobstructed view of the rising or setting sun that allows photographers to beautifully capture our star. It was in this treeless area that Yongwon Kim, a researcher from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, took this stunning photo of an eerie sun in 2010.Sundogs, at ...[Read More]
Imaggeo on Mondays: Frozen river meets the sea
This image shows part of the frozen delta of the Siberian River Lena. Thomas Ernsdorf, a researcher at the Department of Environmental Meteorology, University of Trier in Germany, took this photo during a Russian-German expedition to the Laptev Sea, the largest ice factory of the Arctic Ocean, in April 2008. “The main goal of the expedition was to investigate the polynia (large open water and thin ...[Read More]
Imaggeo on Mondays: Sky-high dancing lights
This photo, taken in early 2011 at Murphy Dome, a mountain in Fairbanks North Star Borough in the US state of Alaska, shows a beautiful natural phenomena known as aurora.Auroras, also called northern lights in the Northern Hemisphere, are stunning light displays visible mainly at high latitudes. There, it is easier for energetic particles from the Earth’s magnetosphere and solar wind to follow the ...[Read More]