
Regular Features

Imaggeo on Mondays: Volcano in the tropics

The text of this week’s Imaggeo on Mondays comes from the photographer himself, Brenner Silva. I took this picture from an airliner in September 2010 on my way to the Estación Científica San Francisco, South Ecuador, for field work. The flight route Quito-Loja goes through the two highest volcanoes, Chimborazo and Cotopaxi, of the so-called Avenue of the Volcanos in Ecuador. The pilot, attracted b ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: Cloud sandwich

Lenticular clouds, also known as ‘flying saucer clouds’ or ‘cloudships’, have captured the imagination of humans since Biblical times. Normally aligned at right-angles to the direction of the wind, lenticular clouds are stationary, lens-shaped formations that form at high altitudes. Pilots of powered planes tend to avoid flying near lenticular clouds because of turbulence. Glider pilots, on the ot ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: Dr Giuliano Di Baldassarre

GeoTalk, featuring short interviews with geoscientists about their research, continues this month with a Q&A with Dr Giuliano Di Baldassarre (UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education) regarding his work on floods, population changes, and risk prevention. If you’d like to suggest a scientist for an interview, please contact Bárbara Ferreira. First, could you introduce yourself and let us ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: Keanae coast

Geologically speaking, Hawaii is a very dynamic archipelago. Each of its islands is an exposed peak of a large undersea mountain range formed by volcanic activity starting about 28 million years ago as the Pacific plate moved slowly in northwest direction over a geological hotspot in the Earth’s mantle. Big Island and Maui, the southeastern most islands, are therefore the youngest and geologically ...[Read More]