
Regular Features

Imaggeo on Mondays: The soil in your veg patch

Imaggeo on Mondays: The soil in your veg patch

Do a search for images of dirt in Google and you might be surprised to find that the vast majority of returned images are of a substance that we ought to be protecting and treasuring, rather than dismissing as something unclean and without value: soil. It’s not the first time we’ve featured this precious resource on GeoLog recently, remember that post about soil in art? It’s not without reason eit ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: What a thin section has to say about the deformation of the Zagros Mountains

Imaggeo on Mondays: What a thin section has to say about the deformation of the Zagros Mountains

The impressive Zagros Orogeny, as seen from a bird’s-eye view, has featured on Imaggeo on Monday’s blog posts a few times recently. From its fluvial dissection features, through to a false colour LANDSAT 7 image which reveals a velociraptor hiding among fold and thrusts, we’ve looked at the broad scale structures which shape the Zagros mountains. This week, the scale changes entirely: we zoom righ ...[Read More]

GeoPolicy: What science policy & the European Union mean to EGU members

GeoPolicy: What science policy & the European Union mean to EGU members

Since joining the EGU over a month ago as the Union’s Policy Fellow, Sarah Connors, has been hard at work getting to grips with the political landscape of the European Union and the role Earth scientists and EGU members at large can play in policy making. This is post the first of the new GeoPolicy Column. During her one year term Sarah will regularly contribute content to GeoLog on all things pol ...[Read More]