

New EGU Media and Communications Officer

Bárbara Ferreira, the newest staff member of the EGU office in Munich, has recently started working as the Union’s Media and Communications Officer. She will coordinate media-related and science information communications between the EGU and its membership, the working media, and the public at large. Before joining EGU, Bárbara worked as a science writer at the European Southern Observatory, based ...[Read More]

GIFT workshop on Ocean Acidification

A Geosciences Information for Teachers (GIFT) Workshop was held in Penang, Malaysia on the 23rd and 24th June 2011 on theme of ocean acidification. Over 40 teachers took part, participating in 8 lectures and a viewing of Tipping Point. The brochure, presentations and a video are available online on the GIFT pages on the EGU website.

Keeping connected with the EGU

There are various ways to keep connected with the European Geosciences Union, more are being developed but the current ones are below. The EGU General Assembly 2011 Survey is open until 30 June, it can be completed online. The results of these GA Surveys are examined carefully and helped when making important decisions for future General Assemblies. Within the social media realm (alongside this bl ...[Read More]

Geosciences and Web 2.0 at EGU GA 2010

The Educational and Outreach Symposia at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010 cover a variety of topics. Several include examples of best practice. Virtual conferences and observatories are covered in ST6/EOS9 as described in the below guest blog from Sini Merikallio of the Finnish Meteorological Institute. Thursday in Room 29, 10:30-12:00 in ST6/EOS9 Best practices in Education an ...[Read More]