A limited amount of the overall budget of the EGU General Assembly is reserved to assist young scientists and established scientists from low and lower middle income countries who wish to present their work at the meeting. From 2005 to 2013, the total amount awarded grew from about €50k to €90k. For the 2014 General Assembly, the EGU has allocated €110k for financial support for scientists to atte ...[Read More]
New Educational Fellow at the EGU Office
Hello, I am Jane, the new Education Officer at the EGU. My role here is to help develop and implement the EGU’s educational strategy and initiatives for formal and informal education as well as working on exciting new education-related collaborations for the EGU. I earned my BSc (Hons) Geology from the University of Edinburgh then went on to gain an MRes in Heritage Science from University College ...[Read More]
GeoTalk: Catharina Landström on the safe storage of nuclear waste
Following Science in Public 2013 I had the pleasure of talking to Catharina Landström about the social and technical challenges to the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste… Could you introduce yourself and let us know what propelled you into a project looking at the issues surrounding geological disposal of radioactive waste? Specialising in Science and Technology Studies (STS ...[Read More]
Introducing the new EGU Bloggers!
Since it started, the EGU Blog Network has had great coverage of geochemistry, palaeontology and geoscience in global development, but what about the other fields in the geosciences? Well, over the past couple of months we’ve been seeking out some fantastic Earth science bloggers who are keen to share their knowledge, experiences and the latest research in their fields with you. They’ve put togeth ...[Read More]