
Open Access

Geocinema Films available online (2/3)

Did you miss a particular film during the GeoCinema at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011? Here’s the second post containing where to see films that are available online. A film’s inclusion in the Geocinema does not mean that EGU endorses any opinions expressed in the film. Royal NIOZ, Fathoming the Sea, 10 mins [Online] Once again a prominent scientific institute cal ...[Read More]

Webstreams from the EGU GA 2011

All the webstreamed events at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly are available online still. Please share with those you think will find them useful. Webstreaming Page. The events from the EGU GA 2011 that are available are: US1 A Planet Under Pressure US2 The Future of Water Cycle Earth Observing Systems US3 How Science Can Aid Society in Tackling Emerging Risks US4 The 22 February 2 ...[Read More]

Celebration: 10 years of interactive open access publishing at EGU GA 2011

It’s been ten years since the launch of the first interactive open access journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, followed by a growing number of EGU open access journals covering most fields of geoscience. A combination of traditional peer review and interactive and public discussion on the internet assures efficient scientific exchange and top quality. High submission rates and impact factors ...[Read More]

EGU Journals: Special Edition of NHESS

The latest edition of NHESS (Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences) features a post-face by Münch et al. summarising the special issue which has 22 peer-reviewed papers concerning the GITEWS (German Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System) project. Münch et al. (2011) state how the idea for the special issue of NHESS was formulated at the EGU General Assembly in 2009. The papers cover all aspe ...[Read More]