
Ocean Sciences

Imaggeo on Mondays: Praia das Rodas, Spain

Often listed as one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, Praia das Rodas is located on the Isla do Faro, part of the three-island Cíes archipelago within the Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park. The beach faces eastwards, towards Vigo and the Galician coast of northwestern Spain, its accumulation of sand forming a land-bridge between two islands during low tide. All three islands are ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: Waves hitting Cycladic rocks

When he is not researching in the space sciences, Ioannis Daglis, the director of the Institute for Space Applications and Remote Sensing at the National Observatory of Athens in Greece, is often out with his camera. This picture of sea waves slamming cliff rocks in the Aegean Sea is a beautiful example of his artistic work, and one that shows some science too. “I took this photo at Vitali Bay in ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: Huts in Arcachon Bay

Yann Vitasse, now a researcher at the Institute of Botany, University of Basel in Switzerland, got a wonderful present in 2009 for completing his PhD: a flight on an ultralight aircraft above the southwest coast of France. It was then he took this stunning photo of the Arcachon Bay, a water area near Bordeaux that is fed by the Atlantic Ocean and by a number of fresh waterways.“Here you see the fa ...[Read More]

EGU General Assembly 2012 Call for Papers

Abstract submission for the EGU General Assembly 2012 (EGU2012) is now open. The General Assembly is being held from Sunday 22 Apr 2012 to Friday 27 Apr 2012 at the Austria Center Vienna, Austria. You can browse through the Sessions online. Each Session shows the link Abstract Submission. Using this link you are asked to log in to the Copernicus Office Meeting Organizer. You may submit the text of ...[Read More]