

Weblinks relevant to the Sendai Earthquake and Tsunami [Updated 31 March]

This blogpost is a round-up of potentially useful weblinks to information about the Sendai, Japan earthquake of 11 March 2011. This post is a summary of what is out there as a resource, not European Geosciences Union endorsed links. There is a Supersite for the Sendai Earthquake which is a collection of preliminary data and research. This has a lot of information contained within the page and link ...[Read More]

Christchurch NZ Earthquake

You may have seen that there was an earthquake of magnitude 6.3 that struck Christchurch, New Zealand at 1251 local time on Tuesday. Christchurch experienced an earthquake of magnitude 7.1 in September 2010. For more information you may be interested in the following links: The USGS and BGS have information pages on the 22 February earthquake. The New Zealand Herald reports that ice was shaken loo ...[Read More]

This year’s blog

This year’s blog will have more posts and, starting from next week, a generally regular pattern (which will be augmented). We will have Imaggeo Mondays, with a featured image from the EGU’s online open access geosciences image repository. Wednesday’s posts will be specific to the EGU General Assembly 2011 for example accommodation, travel, highlighting special sessions. Friday ...[Read More]

EGU GA 2011 First Post

Welcome to the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 Official Blog. The General Assembly is being held in Vienna, Austria from the 3rd to the 8th April 2011. The website is already up and running. On this blog there will be information about the General Assembly, presentations, news and lots more. Jenny Holden