

Monday at EGU GA 2011

Welcome, to the first full day of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011. The meeting programme is available online, via the USB stick available at the ACV and via computer terminals around the General Assembly venue itself. Key union wide events today include: 12:15-13:15 Union Plenary All attendants are invited to this annual event where the past and future development of EGU is di ...[Read More]

EGU Today Blog

The daily newsletter of the EGU General Assembly, EGU Today, has an accompanying blog: EGU Today Blog. The daily columns will be published here with a chance to comment on them. The daily columns in the EGU GA 2011 EGU Today will focus on the question of the role of science in society. An electronic version of EGU Today is available from the EGUToday website.

On-Site Registration at EGU GA 2011

Participants are welcome to register on-site at the counters located in Hall Z of the congress centre. The counters are open: Sunday, 03 April 2011                                 12:00–20:00 Monday– Thursday, 04 – 07 April 2011         08:00–19:00 Friday, 08 April 2011                                   08:00–13:00 The pre-registration using lower pre-registration rates has expired on 28 Feb. Howe ...[Read More]

Webstreaming at EGU General Assembly 2011

As with previous years, selected sessions along with all press conferences (see EGU Media Portal) will be live-streamed during the General Assembly 2011 and are will also be available on demand after the conference. Please enter the general EGU Webstreaming site. The webstream portal contains events from General Assemblies in 2008, 2009 and 2010. The 2011 programme includes: Monday, 4 April 2011 1 ...[Read More]