

Wednesday at EGU GA 2011

We hope you are having a good week at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011. Union wide events today include: 13:30–15:00 Union Masterclass: What are the unresolved questions and future perspectives for palaeoclimate research? An EGU Masterclass by André Berger and Wolfgang H. Berger, Room D [Webstream] Climate research has never received so much attention as during these days. Peop ...[Read More]

Celebration: 10 years of interactive open access publishing at EGU GA 2011

It’s been ten years since the launch of the first interactive open access journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, followed by a growing number of EGU open access journals covering most fields of geoscience. A combination of traditional peer review and interactive and public discussion on the internet assures efficient scientific exchange and top quality. High submission rates and impact factors ...[Read More]

EGGS: The Newsletter of the EGU

A new issue (issue 34) of EGGS was published recently, its available on the EGGS website. EGGS is also available as an app for some smart phones: Android and iPhone platforms.