Welcome to the last day of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna 2011. Some union wide events of note are below. The winner of the photography competition will be announced at 12:15 in the Crystal Lounge. Home will be shown in the GeoCinema from 17:30 (for 90 minutes) and we have a chocolate and sweets stall in the Exhibition Hall. 08:30–10:20 Union Symposium. The 11 March 2011 ...[Read More]
EGU GA 2011 in the news
Items from the European Geosciences Union General Assembly are featured prominently on the BBC’s Science and Environment pages. The current top story is about “Thuderstorms numbers calculated” (link). The top story for some time yesterday (Wednesday) was Climate ‘fix’ may warm, not cool, again directly related to research presented at the EGU General Assembly. If you ...[Read More]
Tuesday Medalists at EGU GA 2011 (2)
EGU GA 2011 Union Award Ceremony
New at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 is an official Awards Ceremony where all the medal and award winners across the Union are honoured (session details). It will also be Webstreamed. Please come join us at the EGU 2011 Award Ceremony which will take place on Wednesday 6 April, 17:30-20:00, Room D (Blue Level, basement). We will first recognize on stage all Division Outstand ...[Read More]