The EGU General Assembly 2011 was again a great success with 4,333 oral and 8,439 poster presentations in a dozen union wide and 520 disciplinary sessions, along with townhall meetings, short courses, splinter meetings, etc. At the conference 10,725 scientists from 96 countries participated, of which 28% were students, 15,000 copies of EGU Today distributed, keen media presence and reporting, and ...[Read More]
Webstreams from the EGU GA 2011
All the webstreamed events at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly are available online still. Please share with those you think will find them useful. Webstreaming Page. The events from the EGU GA 2011 that are available are: US1 A Planet Under Pressure US2 The Future of Water Cycle Earth Observing Systems US3 How Science Can Aid Society in Tackling Emerging Risks US4 The 22 February 2 ...[Read More]
Last day of EGU GA 2011, and see you in 2012
Today, Friday, is the last day of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011. The General Assembly in 2012 will be at the Austria Center Vienna, 22–27 April 2012. For more information on EGU meetings please visit the EGU Meetings pages.
Women in Geosciences Townhall Meeting at EGU GA 2011
At EGU2010 we held the first townhall meeting on this subject of women in the geosciences, and what EGU can do for women geoscientists. At EGU2011 we will hold the second townhall meeting, including short presentations and discussions of how the EGU as a professional association can continue taking a more active role in influencing and promoting equal opportunities for women in the geosciences. Th ...[Read More]