After a couple of months of absence, GeoLog is once again hosting the Geosciences column. This month we have no less than two posts highlighting recent research in the Earth sciences. In the second of this month’s columns, Eline Vanuytrecht writes about recent research on flood risk published in the EGU journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. If you’d like to contribute to G ...[Read More]
Publications by the EGU
Since 2001, the EGU and Open Access publishing house Copernicus Publications has published a growing number of successful geoscientific journals. These include 14 peer-reviewed Open Access journals, of which 11 have a Thomson Reuters Impact Factor, placing them in the top echelon of their respective discipline. EGU also publishes a host of other materials available in paper and online. As a signat ...[Read More]
Following today’s earthquake in Sumatra online
This blogpost is a round-up of potentially useful weblinks to information about the earthquake off the west coast of northern Sumatra of 11 April 2012. The links provided here are external and do not reflect the opinions of the European Geosciences Union. Regarding the earthquake, the US Geological Survey’s (USGS) Earthquake Harzard Program homepage features seismic activity maps and a summ ...[Read More]
Imaggeo on Mondays: Zurich lit by lightning
In Zurich, Switzerland, June is often the wettest month of the year. Summer thunderstorms that give clouds a purple-grey colour and bright up the skies with strong lightning bolts are common place. This picture, taken by Ryan Teuling from Wageningen University in the Netherlands, captures one of these bolts, lighting up the centre of the city.Teuling took this photo in June 2008 when he worked at ...[Read More]