

Job opportunity at the EGU Executive Office: Communications Assistant

The EGU is seeking to appoint a Communications Assistant to work with the EGU Media and Communications Officer in maintaining and further developing media-related and science information communications between the EGU and its membership, the working media, and the public at large. The position will be based at the EGU Executive Office in Munich, Germany. More information about this vacancy, includ ...[Read More]

Hunting Laki

Journalist Alexandra Witze was one of two winners of the EGU’s first Geosciences Communications Fellowship. We asked her to report back from a recent trip to Iceland, where she and her husband, science writer Jeff Kanipe, were gathering material on the 1783 eruption of the volcano Laki. They are working on a popular book about Laki for Profile Books. When you’re hot on the trail of a particular Ic ...[Read More]

New Science Communications Fellow at the EGU Office

Hello everyone! I am a new Science Communications Fellow at the Union, where I will be working on the EGU Newsletter and assisting Bárbara Ferreira in developing media-related and science information communications. I am currently in the final stages of my doctorate (DPhil) at the University of Oxford, where my molecular biology project explores the diversity and ecology of Apusozoa, a phylum of f ...[Read More]

Job opportunity at the EGU General Assembly

We are currently looking for science communication or science journalism students interested in working at the press office of the 2012 General Assembly, which is taking place in Vienna, Austria, from 22-27 April. The students will be assisting the EGU press officer and the journalists at the press centre, and are expected to help organise and run press conferences. Other tasks include writing and ...[Read More]