

Have you visited the Job and Education Market at EGU GA 2011?

The Job and Education Market is Hall X [map (pdf)]. As part of the Job and Education Market there are presentations. The upcoming presentations are below: Wed, 06 Apr, 13:30–14:00 JEM3: Borderless careers with Schlumberger Wed, 06 Apr, 14:15–14:45 JEM6: Opportunity of a Lifetime with Saudi Aramco Wed, 06 Apr, 15:00–15:30 GIS and the future job market Please remember that the Job and Education Mark ...[Read More]

Jobs (and Education) at EGU GA 2011

There are several items at the General Assembly related to Jobs and Education this year. These are the Job and Education market, online job and CV postings and physical poster boards at the Austria Center Vienna itself. Job and Education market At the General Assembly there will again be a Job and Education market. This will be situated on the Blue level (basement) (Stage, M1–M9), a list of exhibi ...[Read More]