As the Arctic wakes up from its polar night, Dr Adam Booth is leading a team of UK geophysicists on a two-week campaign of seismic investigations on Storglaciären, a mountain glacier in northern Sweden. He will be reporting on the expedition in a series of posts published here in GeoLog. Hi, and thanks for your interest in our field trip! For the next two weeks, my colleagues and I will be sending ...[Read More]
EGU General Assembly 2012 Call for Papers
Abstract submission for the EGU General Assembly 2012 (EGU2012) is now open. The General Assembly is being held from Sunday 22 Apr 2012 to Friday 27 Apr 2012 at the Austria Center Vienna, Austria. You can browse through the Sessions online. Each Session shows the link Abstract Submission. Using this link you are asked to log in to the Copernicus Office Meeting Organizer. You may submit the text of ...[Read More]
New EGU Open Access Journal: Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems
A new EGU Journal has been launched: Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems (GI). It is an open access interdisciplinary electronic journal for swift publication of original articles and short communications in the area of geoscientific instruments. A unique feature of the journal is the emphasis on synergy between science and technology that facilitates advances in GI. The Chief- ...[Read More]
Imaggeo on Mondays: Wind Vane
Wind vane on the top of an early 20th century lighthouse. Image by Konstantinos Kourtidis, distributed by EGU under a Creative Commons License. Imaggeo is the online open access geosciences image repository of the European Geosciences Union. Every geoscientist who is an amateur photographer (but also other people) can submit their images to this repository. Being open access, it can be used by sci ...[Read More]